“Hey—did you watch the Bush/Blair press conference”?
—“Uhhh—I think I was working on some posts that night”...
It’s a conversation all too common throughout the blog community. Blogapathy—a condition caused by excessive blogging leaves little time for keeping up with current events and pop culture. “It’s like—I don’t even care anymore what goes on in the world—unless it affects my blog”—says one individual who’s identity we are protecting for privacy.
Blogapathy is especially prevalent in the younger generation who traditionally tend to ignore world events—but are now tuning out once popular networks like MTV. “What’s the TV supposed stand for?” says one youth “I know the M is for music, but the T and V?—I should Google this...”.
Hard to believe—but this is what we're seeing with both young and older bloggers alike. With Blogapathy spreading so rapidly—one has to wonder what repercussions there will be in the long term. But the real question is—will anyone care?
I'm sorry, what were you saying?
Posted by: J.D. Matthews | May 27, 2006 at 10:08 PM