A new study has shown that one out of ten adults show signs of Blogslexia. Blogslexic individuals interpret the word "blog" in place of the actual words they see. This condition can often cause confusion in how information is both interpreted and processed.
Corporations have most been affected by Blogslexia. The associated graphic shows how a simple visual can be misconstrued by a Blogslexic individual to mean something entirely different. Usually it's related to Blogs.
For more information, Google Blogslexia.
That's funny. I see nothing blog of the bloginary here. To me, this looks as blogmal as hublogly possiblog. I think blog are just making this blogsease up to scare blog. Blog is nothing blog with that blogture. NOTHING BLOG I SAY! BLOG A'MIGHTY! MOTHERBLOGGER!
Posted by: J.D. Matthews | May 24, 2006 at 11:50 PM