I get shivers whenever I see those old Web 1.0 sites, with their one-entry-at-a-time style, no trackbacks, no comments. How did people communicate back then? How could show your love? What was life like before blogging? How does anyone get through the day without checking Kottke’s Remaindered Links? Or seeing what hot new start-up TechCrunch is giving props to? What is Megnut cooking this week? Where is Frank Bruni dining? Has Dave Winer quit blogging yet, like he said he would 10 gazillion years ago? Who’s hot and who’s not? Pinging Technorati and Google vanity searches take up a lot of time. Why can’t I get on the best blogrolls? When will I be an A-lister? Maybe if I find a way to sit near Scoble at brunch. . . I wonder if I can get Hugh McCleod to do a sketch for me?