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Francis Walsh

I find you to be a great spirit energy that I tend to be attracted to for intellectual needs that expand into my collective of which you now are a part.

My name is Francis Walsh. The Netter to me and my blogs. Powerfitz, Nitrousfitz, Nitrofitz, 4Seasons, Houston Banquet Planner, and awewriter to my fans. I am U.O, and I have considered my self a brand for over 8 years.

My brand is my passion, my goals are financial, and my ambition is to be successful at what I am internally driven to.

Your presentations are inspiring because of the messenger, the information is crisp, but the tools you use for delivery are precisely perfect. I will continue to look forward to your news.

I write a number of blogs

drag racing
event planning
The Netter Report
4Seasons Holiday Reports

I want to expand my viewerbase with multiple subjects and media outlets. connects to mybloglog widget. There are other direct links in the website and blog menus as well.

As you can tell, I need help to progress my efforts. I thank you in advance for any help you give to me. God Bless

Joanna Pena-Bickley

Creative Director, Mom of Four, writer, content creator, explorer, thinker, adviser = ArtistaPena

Alan Parr

I remember reading the issue of Fast Company Magazine (August 1997) in which Tom Peters wrote about "the brand called You" and coined the term Personal Branding. I didn't think much of it at the time, being diverted by the dot com boom, and jumping from one job, one technology, one industry to another with little thought to how it was shaping me.

It took a while to discover what my strengths are, why they're special, and what I liked doing with them. It took even longer to become comfortable with doing things in my own way, and not being afraid to stand out from the corporate crowd. By that time, I had developed an area of expertise and a reputation for being great at it. Clients were contacting me for work. I struck out on my own and started a business. All of a sudden (it seemed) I had a Personal Brand. And over the years it has become increasingly important to me; it is what feeds and clothes my family, and it's what keeps me engaged in my work. Refining my brand, keeping things fresh while still remaining true, continues to be a challenge that I enjoy.

My business partner and I have a ChangeThis manifesto on Personal Branding coming out in the early part of October. It's called "I Am The Walrus: Lessons In Personal Branding From The Beatles." You can read more about it on our blog.

Chris - great idea of yours "Brand U.0"! I hope you find what you're looking for.

james kupka

I'm the all-grown-up little boy who couldn't but wanted to give the world a little bit of what it never really had. A creative guy bringing 'happy' to a world full of 'sad'. Bringing a little discipline to an advertising industry gone mad.

I'm a digital advertising and marketing monkey in the process of moving from Las Vegas back to Toronto. Two years in Vegas were surreal and now my young wife and I are racing the clock to get 'home' and settled before our first baby does.

It looks like we'll make it.

Along the way I've taken care to write my site and my tweets ( ) in such a way that I communicate the self-aware, creative, productive and ethical brand I'd like to be.

Cogito Ergo Ad-Geek.

Steve Woodruff

My personal brand - as a networked expert able to bring value to both the client and the vendor side - is the heart of my successful pharmaceutical training consulting business (Impactiviti). Also building a secondary personal brand in...well, branding (StickyFigure). In each case, the business goal is not to build a multi-person company, but to be a solo entrepreneur, so it's all about personal brand.

Richard Reeve

My brand emerged haphazardly though the various opportunities that came my way over the last twelve years. At each step, my story tended to focus me toward greater efficacy, until a variety of organizations recognized the transformative results of my presence and efforts.

In July I heard Bill Toliver from the Matale Line say that branding is our deepest commitment to what we will do and why. That jived with an insight I stumbled on in Celtic mythology, where the goddess challenges the would be warrior/druid/king, saying she will grant the three deepest desires of his heart, but only if he can articulate them in his next breath. Personal branding allows me to live in a manner that has the answer to that question always at the ready, always on the tip of my tongue. You know your "in the wheel house" when you've found a non-depleting source of energy. I intend to emerge from current commitments relying on personal branding to link me to the opportunities I am seeking.

Jim Kukral

I've successfully branded myself multiple times online since I started blogging in 2001. But probably the most success I've had, and most recent, is branding myself as "the flip guy". I was one of the first to begin using the Flip camera from Pure Digital as a tool for making web videos. So, being one of the first was important. But that's not all. I also created a daily web video show with the Flip camera called "the Daily Flip". I also created an affiliate site for the Flip at Then I made a free online web tutorial on how to use the Flip at

Frankly, I just out flipped even the Flip people with my passion for the camera.

So, to me, building a brand is part being first, and the rest becoming a thought-leader/expert on the subject. Then, to drive the brand into the minds of everyone, you build tools and resources that associate the brand with you. Over, and over, and over. It works.

Jim "the flip guy" Kukral


Although I've come up with a snazzy U.0 brand, have yet to get my marketing inline as I am always working on other people's stuff, which is a good problem to have :)

Would like to design an action figure in my spare time when I am not completely interfaced with my computer or singing badly at a CinCity karaoke bar.

KatwomanofSteele, Web Vigilante = Kat Steele, Web Woman of Action

Bill (Dr. William J. Ward) a.k.a. DR4WARD

Two life changing stories help explain my personal brand:

When I discovered that Bill Ward was the drummer for the British heavy metal band Black Sabbath, featuring vocalist Ozzy Osbourne, I knew I could never own my own name as a personal brand.

DR4WARD is a visual and phonetic variation of my last name and my academic credentials that represents my 4WARD philosophy of helping others look ahead, move forward, and prepare for what's next.

The other important event that defines me is when I was nine I started my first business selling night crawlers on Cowan Lake, a small, quiet lake near Rockford, Michigan where I grew up. "Digging for Worms" to me means being curious, having fun, following your dreams, helping others to succeed, and not being afraid to get dirty.

When I realized that I have made a career out of "Digging for Worms" by helping others I rediscovered the fun and passion for what I do.



Danny Nathan

I recently went through a personal rebranding project based around a series of newly created websites. After writing for a number of other blogs and recreating my personal digital footprint a number of times, I finally decided to put everything together.

From that exercise, a new digitla identity was born under the moniker *AmongMany. This growing, breathing, ever-changing group of stops on the web is now my personal brand for the digital world. It currently consists of a collection of five sites dedicated to various aspects of my online life:

ThingsAmongMany is a discussion forum for all things creative: design, architecture, technology, etc.

BrandsAmongMany allows me to share thoughts on branding and creative communications.

1AmongMany is the home of my personal portfolio and information specific to myself.

ShotsAmongMany houses my photographic ramblings.

And *AmongMany ( is a collection point for discussions from the above.

I hope to continue growing this set of resources to include a variety of other ideas.

the girl Riot

"the girl Riot" is my person-brand. we are constantly asking our brands to be more like "people." i want to get at the heart of that in a meta sort of way, to understand more about the unwritten policies being developed like "authenticity" and "transparency," etc.

it's kind of like "the consumer isn't a moron--she's your wife" (Ogilvy). how can we make recommendations and bandy words around if we don't understand them personally? i wanted to come at it like an art. at heart, i'm an art kid who became a copywriter.

i like conceptual art and post modernism, i'm big on 'the medium is the message' across multiple planes, not just advertising. i wanted my brand to express not only myself, but the tensions in branding as we work to 'humanize' brands.

it's about craft. craft from what shoes i wear to my punctuation and capitalization usage to my business politics. it's about the actual meta craft of advertising and our interaction with it that i wanted to draw attention to. i do that best in person, but also some through my blog.

through this, i've met a great number of really awesome people and expanded my understanding, though i think it's far too soon to say anything of success, which is why i asked you on twitter what you meant. i'm not sure i fit the bill, but there it is, then.


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brand-u-o: About You

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