Here’s a visual I’ve used a number of times. When I reference the customer experience across multiple touch points and channels—this is it. It’s looking at the entire customer experience holistically. Brands will continue to tell stories in linear fashion—but they will also be experienced in a variety of ways. Every time you use a website, interact with customer support, see an Ad, share a story, use their product,—you are in “fellowship” with that brand.
Apple is still one of the heavyweights in this area. From the products, to the marketing, to the stores, to—it’s consistently Apple (and for the most part constantly good). So I’m really just stating the obvious here, at a very macro level—but here’s another way to look at it. Think about all of the disciplines that go into making every touch point matter: designers, architects, engineers, marketers, businesspeople, project managers, technologists, administrators, artists, writers... the list goes on.
Now think about the incredible coordination that occurs between all these distinct groups—both internal and external. I’m sure that behind the scenes it’s messy business, but it’s pretty amazing to witness when it all comes together.