Typepad was down for the count today but is now back up (obviously)—and it inspired me to come up with a new Top Ten. I published this on Marketing Profs and sent Typepad's PR rep a note about it. Here was her response:
“David, enjoyed reading your post. Very sorry TypePad was down.
You can post it on TypePad now!
Thought that was a pretty cool response—a good customer experience you could say. And definitely good PR. Note how Jane even encourages me to post this on Typepad. So good for you Six Apart. Now please don't drop service again. I contemplated drastic measures (like watching TV).
Top 10 Things You Can Do During A “Blogout”
10. Catch up on e-mail—it’s the next best thing to getting that “blog fix.”
9. Visit some news sites. Oh my gosh, there are current events that don’t involve Scoble, Amanda, and Rubel?? Who knew?
8. Read a book, magazine, or something else that won’t give you an error message, stop working and leave you to face your addiction alone.
7. Go home early—what’s the point of being in the office?
6. Actually leave your desk and talk to people—they’ll think you really want to talk to them but won’t realize it’s only because you can’t blog.
5. Take your kid to a movie, but forget about blogging about it afterward because you can’t.
4. Draft future posts about how you spent your “downtime.” (Top 10 lists are usually popular.)
3. Use the experience to quit “stat checking” cold turkey. Who am I kidding?? I’ll start the minute it’s up again.
2. Think about what you're going to write in your complaint note to your bloggy service provider “Dear Typepad—I hate you. But I love you. I’m so confused...please come back.”
1. Actually get work done. Scratch that. Find a blog platform that’s working (like this one) and blog about the whole crummy experience.
I feel so much better. So how about you? What do you do to survive a “blog outage”?