Getty Images has some new photographers they want you to check out:
"With input from art directors and industry peers around the globe, Getty Images selected photographers from a variety of backgrounds. It’s a hypothetical, hopeful and perhaps even controversial list... Some are local stars meriting a larger stage; some have achieved success on the editorial side but employ techniques that could also enliven advertising; and others are just plain provocative."
OK. Fair enough. I checked out some of the photographers on the site and there is some interesting stuff to look through. Now here is what’s even more interesting to me. Know how I found out about it? That’s right. A personalized e-mail from Getty’s PR agency, Edelman.
“Hi David,
After reading your blog, I thought you might be interested in learning about a recent newsworthy announcement from Getty Images.”
Well good for you Edelman and Getty. Since I am a Getty customer and have not had any bad experiences with the service, I would be happy to call attention to your new photographers. Have a nice day.
Photo Credit: Bela Bordosi