Seems like forever that the blogosphere has been abuzz with Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics. I personally never purchased the book, though I have been a comic fan in since I was a little kid. And though I don't currently collect comics I do re-live my youth with my boys.
So when I would read about the book through blogs and user experience professionals singing it's praises—I thought, "that's great—people are picking up on visual storytelling". But I have to be honest, I value practice even more than I do a synopsis of a good book.
Guy Kawasaki scores huge points for me by simply PRACTICING some of these principals in his recent post. Rather than show pictures with written commentary, Guy told the story of his trip to Phoenix via a "graphic novel" format. And it's quite effective (and entertaining).
See for yourself.
Update: Amateur Gourmet was the direct inspiration (l was so taken by the comics I blew past the intro in Guy's post!)