I don't know about you, but a lot of the e-mail spam I receive includes tons of nonsensical gibberish. Then it hit me. It's not gibberish—it's Spoetry. Now, I almost enjoy deciphering the profound messages embedded deeply within them:
"Hey, Froghopper uranist obstinacy it's epiphany not dote may paulo but standby vicinity !
ensconce some chapel be geography be lise orrose in philippine on bovine ! sial or microjoule it's exclude it saw may chest it manganese
Syndrome in rosemary try baldwin not they're the healey bonze try crumple a sportsmen or infield a westfield notexpeditious or annalen be vishnu or aden some stuck not copolymer the diffractometer the coliseum may puppyish"
*Fingersnaps to the spammers... *Fingersnaps.