"Think of someone in need
Do something about it"
These were words I wrote not very long ago on my post titled "A Holiday Manifesto". Of course it's easy to write words like this. They're inspirational. Who wouldn't agree with thoughts like these? It's another thing to actually live them.
Gavin Heaton, author of the Servant of Chaos is a friend in need. A few days ago, just before Christmas—his father-in-law Noel and a group of cyclists were hit by an automobile. Noel and several others were severely injured and are in critical condition. Details and updates can be viewed here.
I'll be honest with you—when I first started blogging, I remember seeing this word tossed around and I always viewed it with skepticism. You see, I have deep memories of what real community is. I remember my years living in Ozone Park, Queens before we moved out to the burbs. I remember how we would throw block parties when there would be blackouts and how everyone would bring out the food that was about to spoil and share it with each other. And I remember how we would just walk into the connected home of our neighbor of we ever needed anything.
To me, that's community.
Gavin, has been an amazing supporter of this blog, He's encouraged and inspired me on a regular basis. Though our homes aren't physically joined as he lives in Australia, I feel like they are. I want to help. I want to act.
Here's how to act.
1. Spread the word, take the graphic from this post and include it on yours.
2. Go here and donate. Encourage your readers to do the same (Thank You Cam).
3. Send a kind word here. Let them know that we care.
Why? Because if it happened to us, we'd be fortunate and blessed to have others do the same.
Noel with Squeakers