Enlighten Up
Interactive Agency Enlighten have re-launched their Holiday Party Excuse Generator. Drat, we just had ours last night. I could have used it. :) As an aside, they are looking for a Design Director and Interactive Designer. Check out the jobs section on their site, which is by the way one of my favorite agency sites.
Draft Dodging
Oy Vey! The whole Draft, Wal Mart debacle is hard to believe. Agency gets client. Agency looses client. I don't know how many more times Wal Mart can make the headlines. Here's an interesting take on the story from the Chicago Sun Times.
I Wouldn't Trade My Second Life for Yours
Digitas colleague and fellow Lawn Guylander Greg Verdino will be delivering a Webinar on January 11th for Marketing Profs focused on Second Life 101. The Webinar it titled "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Metaverse"
Here's a synopsis in Greg's own words:
"This isn't a plain ol' romp around Second Life to check out cool stuff. There will be some of that, to be sure, but the real focus is on giving marketers a good look at what virtual worlds are all about, what other marketers are really doing inside Second Life in particular, and hleping them think about what this trend might mean for them and their brands."