Roger von Oech and I have been having an interesting series of discussions around his Ball of Whacks. I've been watching my 6-year-old play with it for a while now, and each time I look at it—I cant help but wonder how the product would be affected if it came in an array of colors in addition to Red.
Color is one of those fascinating things that's hard to put a finger on. Sometimes people react to color in totally emotional if not irrational ways expressing preferences for colors that fit their personal tastes. Automobiles are a great example of this. You may love that Mini Cooper in Red, but hate it in Green. And someone else may have the opposite reaction. Color is also about mood:
Passion |
Cheerful |
Peaceful |
Gloom |
Source, Encyclopedia of Educational Technology
Other times color is used to help convey information, hierarchy and data. Prime examples here would be charts, graphs, information graphics, displays, manuals etc. Here color becomes more about utility, clarity and context.
But color is powerful, no doubt about it. And like any power it can be harnessed, used for good or abused. I still shudder each time I walk into an office that mixes Teal and Magenta with a touch of faux brush patterns thrown in for good measure. Using color should be a deliberate exercise. When we pick colors we are essentially saying things about ourselves and/or attempting to connect with the sensibilities of our audience. When I first designed my personal site, I chose a color pallete that both suited my personality but I also deliberately chose colors that can be found in nature. People tend to respond well to colors rooted in nature because we are hard-wired to appreciate the design of nature.
So back to Roger's Ball of Whacks. I wondered what would happen if I played around with a few colors. Here are some thoughts as to how color can change the dynamics of this product:
1. Like automobiles, you can choose one that fits your personal preference
2. The Ball can become a "room accessory"—something that coordinates with your office or desk ensemble
3. Hand out all color variations at a creative workshop and encourage people to trade pieces, mix colors and end up with a creation that started out as monochromatic and ended up in Technicolor
4. Produce limited edition colors (for collectors)
5. Come up with a line of "kid colors" just for them
You get the idea. Sometimes color changes everything, as long as you know what you want to accomplish with the use of it. So help Roger out will ya? Do any of the colors above speak to you? If not, what color (or colors) would you want your Ball of Whacks to be?