Pipe Dreams
Nick Wilson has used Yahoo! Pipes to consolidate content from a select group of individuals which he hand picked and describes as his "personal A list". That's an interesting thought. Maybe there is no true "A-list" only personal ones. Aside from using the technology, what I thought was really interesting was how Nick selected and described each of us on his "list".
Suw Charman
David Armano
Daniel Riveong
Kathy Sierra
Valeria Maltoni
Ben McConnell & Jackie Huba
Charlene Li & Josh Bernoff
Karl Long
Rohit Bhargava
John Boyle
Jennifer Jones
Jake McKee
Greg Sterling
Anastasia Goodstein
Steve Rubel
Lisa Whelan
Slideshow Business
I've now got a new link/poor man's widget over on the right rail which links to all my decks in slideshare. This will be an easy way to access them if you need to jog your memory.
Citizen Everywhere
Jackie Huba from Church of the Customer spoke at our Boston office last Friday. And who is that darling next to Jackie? Why none other than our very own Lori Magno. Big props to Jeff Flemmings, our fearless Account Planner lead for roping Jackie in and getting a boatload of books for Digitas employees to devour. Smart, smart, smart move. And iMedia connection did a big piece on the book recently. Good for Ben and Jackie!
IIT Institute of Design Strategy Conference '07
I'll be attending IIT's Strategy '07 conference in Chicago yet again. It's one of my favorites. BusinessWeek's Bruce Nussbaum will be there again as will Chris Anderson of the Long Tail fame. If you're coming, let me know and we'll find a way to run into each other.
You Help Sacrum Yes? Yes!
Meet Sacrum. Sacrum make blog. Sacrum is European man with skills in Advertising. He like brand. He like pencils. He like to make brand with pencils. You help Sacrum get job in funky Ad agency yes?