OK, deep breath. Adage recently published an article which asserted that “interactive agencies have not yet proven they have the capability to manage brand strategy.“
On top of that Forrester released their first Marketing Wave report
which Critical Mass was included in. Long and short of it—we didn’t do as well as
we would have liked. But aside from us, as the related Adage article
boldly states, digital shops have much to do (so do all agencies in my
opinion). Guess what? I agree—digital agencies have our work cut out
for us. But I’m not ready to leave the digital world—in fact, there is
no other industry I would want to be working in right now. For
me—priority #1 is working with people who “get it”. And so because of
this, I feel compelled to lay out what I think digital agencies must do
in order to lead brands in an increasingly fragmented, digital world…
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