If you are still a regular reader here, I want to thank you for your time, attention and encouragement. I can't believe we're heading into 2008. In February, I'll be celebrating the 2 year anniversary of this blog. Time flies. 2007 was an important year for me. One of the highlights was participating in the Age of Conversation book. Together, we helped raise over 11k for Children's Variety Charity. This was a good thing. I'm honored I was a part of it.
In 2007 I changed jobs. I am understating the significance of this. I really made an important career move and truth be told, I was contemplating leaving the agency world all together prior to the change. But moving to Critical Mass was also a good thing. While I am quite familiar with the business, the people here are fantastic and I feel like I fit in. We sometimes jokingly call this place an "un-agency" and while you won't find the phrase in our marketing material, I think there is a grain of truth to it. In addition to feeling like I have a "home"—I also think I bring an "outsiders" perspective based on how I see things. And I really enjoy being in this type of position. Most importantly, my vision is aligned with the people above me. I'm at a point in my career, where this may be the single most important factor of my professional relationship with an employer.
Just like in 2006, I've met many new interesting people. We correspond through e-mail, phone and sometimes in-person. I've had the privilege to speak in front of high quality audiences. This was a new experience for me. One I enjoy and take very seriously. Sharing ideas publicly in front of a live audience is like being given a gift each time you do it. Thank you.
Lastly, some of you may have noticed that I'm less visible in the comments of your blogs and even here. I want to be honest with you. I have a limited supply of "extrovert" activity which I can support and much of it now happens on Twitter. If I spend too much time talking, it takes away from my creative rerserve which I have to guard. So please forgive me for my shortcomings here, but know that I am reading every word you write and not only that—it helps shape my thinking.
And this brings me to 2008. My tradition is to never make resolutions, nor promises I cannot keep, but there is something I would like to do in 2008. I would like to produce a non-digital artifact that pieces together a cohesive story about something I believe in. Some people call this mysterious object a "book". So, maybe that's what it will be—but I'm yet undecided on the final output. I've got a topic in mind (Visual Thinking)—I even have a title and chapter outline. Next week I'll flush this out a bit more and send out the outline to some folks I know with expertise in this area. We'll see where it goes. My #1 priority will be to produce something I feel good about having my name on. It has to be something I believe in and feel comfortable talking about.
For me, if 2008 were to me captured in single word—it would be this.
It's an unglamorous word. Gritty maybe. But one that produces results and helps maintain balance. If I'm to keep up things here, while writing something more ambitious and being the father, husband, friend and employee I want to be, I'll have to familiarize myself with discipline on a daily basis. This will include lots of choices and making priorities.
So that's the thought I will end on for 2007 as I look toward a new year. It's not very sexy—but for me, it's real. Here's to 2008—I wish you all a very happy, creative, and hopefully innovative new year.