I should be talking about the Hotel's decor. The flat screen television. The modern furniture, hip fireplace and a service staff that looked like they came out of a modeling agency. But instead—I'm talking about the unusable sink. Here's how it works:
1. Fill it up with water
2. Shave
3. Spend nearly 10 minutes trying to figure out how to drain it.
4. Get frustrated, beat yourself up for being an idiot and finally give up.
Whenever the subject of hotels comes up—I'll probably share my experience with the unusable sink. I can see the story becoming an instant classic with other travelers who will share their own horror stories. But it underscores a simple and profound message. People don't just share good experiences—we share bad ones too. In fact, we're even more inclined to talk about the bad ones. There's something therapeutic about it. Experiences are like apples—and it only takes a single bad one to taint the rest of the batch. Every business wants to be talked about—they just don't want it to be about their unusable sinks.