recent submission from Patrick
The folks over at WOMMA (Word Of Mouth Marketing Association) are up to something pretty cool. From May 13-14, they are putting together "WOMM-U" in South Beach Miami . I've been invited to attend, have my costs covered and in return I can give out a complimentary pass to the event to one of my readers (a $1,500 value for non WOMMA members). But I'm going to make you work for it. If you'd like a free pass, you'll need to do a visual representation of what you think "word of mouth" looks like. The visual can be a sketch, a photo montage, or a simple diagram using basic shapes. Use whatever tools you feel comfortable using. Upload your visual either to Flickr (tag WOMM-U-viz there and #womm-u-viz for Twitter) or somewhere else and provide a link in the comments here. I'll give it about 3 weeks and announce a winner in an updated post.
Hope you can participate—think of it as a crash course oin visual thinking. Below is some more details on the event:
"WOMM-U is a 2-day comprehensive and interactive educational experience from WOMMA. It’s built around giving you the real-world knowledge you need to execute exceptional word of mouth marketing programs that are most effective in today’s recession economy.
Social Media-based WOMM presentations and workshops with the most important platforms engaging consumers like MySpace, Facebook, Bebo, Eons, Twitter, blogs, Widgets & Applications, Mobile, Video on the Web and more*. (this is a mix of platforms that have presented before or will present in 2009)
Intimate roundtable deep-dives with WOMM experts like you. Each table is topically driven and allows practical marketer-to-marketer conversation about. Topics include:
· Year 3-5 of your WOMM program
· Optimizing your Twitter efforts
· Activating WOM in Social Networks: Advanced Social Media
· Managing Reputation at the Speed of Social Media
· Selling-in Word of Mouth Programs to the CMO, the Communications Officer, & CEO
· Evaluating the Social Media Toolbox
· Finding Influencers that are really influential
· Creating a brand movement
· Driving B2B WOM and recommendations
· How Advertising fuels WOMM
· Integrating WOMM in complex 360 programs
· Measuring performance in Marketing
· KPIs to make a Brand Marketer Proud
· Measuring ROI in Customer Service
The Bare Feet Tweet-up. Network meetup, you guessed it, on the beach. Connect with marketing colleagues from national brands and WOMM specialists on the beach. All you have to do is follow the Twitter hashtag during the event….
The Brand Council By The Beach. If you are part of a brand – big or small – join WOMMA’s Brand Council seminar that is exclusive and specifically set up for brands."
Sound like a good time? Get those pencils out! And have fun.