Colleague Peter Kim and I got into an interesting discussion on Twitter today. Turns out that he uses autofollow, while I don't. Now before you take sides on this—I'd like for you to consider the bigger picture. After our conversation, I went and checked many of the active people on Twitter who I know personally, or some who I know of and I noticed something interesting. The number of followers, closely aligns with the number they follow. In some cases it's nearly 50/50. So for example, someone who has 30k followers is also following back nearly 30k.
Now I want to stress one more thing, I'm not making any judgments here. I'm curious and I'm wondering how I should be evolving how I use the tool—so rather than think about it in a vacuum, I'd like to hear your thoughts. Is having a 50/50 follower to following ratio a viable way to expand your presence on Twitter? Is it worth the effort, or is it better to keep the number of people who you follow more intimate? I'm sure we can get into a lengthy discussion on business, personal objectives etc. But I'm really interested in your opinion on a gut level. What do you think?